Even a small driblet can create something grand...

Sunday, December 30, 2007

Housewarming (2/2)

My home survived the housewarming, and all I have to do is do the dishes. The sunday was not as busy as the saterday, but enough friends showed up to give my house a proper warming.

My home
(click for a bigger image)

The Wii made everybody move, and when it was switched off, the fireplace gave enough warmth to be worthy of the name 'housewarming'...

[ maybe I'll just give another housewarming party next year... ]

Saturday, December 29, 2007

Housewarming (1/2)

I'm half way in my housewarming weekend marathon. I moved in about 2.5 years ago, so a housewarming was long overdue...

[ this weekend was my last chance for 2008... ]

My house is being warmed nicely...

Tomorrow more friends will come round to see where I live, so I quickly have to clear the mess and get ready for the second part...

Friday, December 28, 2007

What's the matter with me..?

I do not know what's ailing me, but what I discovered today is so not like me...

[ if anyone has an explanation, please let me know... ]

65 grams of dark chocolate Mmmm...

Santa Claus is already back on the North Pole, and I still haven't eaten the chocolate letter I got from Sinterklaas...

Thursday, December 27, 2007


Last DIY job of 2008..?

Tick-tock, tick-tock, I have a clock...

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Christmas treeless

Since I couldn't decide on the type of tree I needed to get (real, fake, green, blue, white, furry, with or without clod..?), I opted for no tree at all...

[ but what to do with all the crhistmas lights..? ]

Kendo armour is really handy in these dark times...

Tuesday, December 25, 2007


Happy Christmas everyone!

Sunday, December 23, 2007

Thanks Conny...

Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy... What do you get for allowing that cute little cat back on your balconny..?

A whole lot of Conny...

I have this sneaking suspicion the anti-Conny system will become operational again soon...

Friday, December 21, 2007

Goodbye (2)

To celebrate my last day last on Scopus (will it really end this time?), the whole UCD team went out to dinner.

[ Yvonne, Sander and Robert also celebrated their departure... ]

A card, a gift, food and diner with friends...

I would like to dedicate this post to again thank everyone in UCD for making me part of their team and the well organized lunches...

[ and of course all my other Elsevier colleague's: thank you! ]

Monday, December 17, 2007

Conny come back!

Do you remember my balconny cat..? And do you remember I had to take action to try to keep the seemingly sweet, harmless little kitten from my balconny? Well, when we had the stormy weather a couple of weeks ago, my anti-Conny solution was almost blown away...

Broken umbrella...

Realizing a catless balconny is too boring, I removed what was left of the umbrella. All my plants seemed to have died anyway...

[ will Conny return..? ]

Yes, a few days later he (she?) was back!!!

[ and gained a few pounds by the look of it... ]

Friday, December 14, 2007


The time has come again. Today is my last day on Scopus, I've lost count how often I tried to leave... Like always, I departed in style and complete silence.

[ it's bound to get quiet around the coffee machine... ]

Didn't you use this poster the last time you left..?

To leave something tangeable behind (besides the christmas decoration I placed in an plant in the main hall), I re-used the goodbye poster I used the previous time I left.

[ perfectly usable with only minimal changes... ]

Saturday, December 08, 2007

Ssst.., surprise

I hope certain people will not read my blog today. Otherwise the cakes I got to celebrate the opening of a new supermarket won't be a surprise anymore...

[ I got a box of four, so if everybody is going to practise, I have a problem... ]

I shouldn't forget to bag these 'tompoezen' tomorrow...

Friday, December 07, 2007

Smooth peanutbutter

After opening a jar of peanutbutter during the lunch, I fel silent. I couldn't find the regular knife strokes that had burrowed into the peanutbutter, but I saw a completely smooth hole...

[ what had happened..? ]

The mystery of the smooth peanutbutter...

After a short while people noticed my confused staring into the jar. And then I knew it, mystery solved and I could digg into the peanutbutter with my knife without any reservations...

[ someone had simply used a spoon... ]

Thursday, December 06, 2007

No waving

When seeing this lavaglimmerlamp I directly wondered why you weren't permitted to wave to the lamp. Eventhough I was corrected immediatelly ("No, that means you're not allowed to touch it..."), I kept arguing for my interpretation.

[ and when Laura wasn't watching, I gave the lamp a quick and merry wave... ]

Rogier didn't remove the sticker especially for me...

Wednesday, December 05, 2007


I just missed seeing the well known Dutch saint. There was no trace of any of his black Piets or his signature white horse, but the colorful decorated boat gave it all away...

[ the trail of crushed spiced nuts (pepernoten) also was a dead give-a-way... ]

Is this Sinterklaas' spare boat..?

Sunday, December 02, 2007

Sinterklaas surprise

Had to be in the office today (needed to make some print-outs) and I saw something lying on the desks. I think I wasn't supposed to find those yet.

[ I will do my best to act surprised tomorrow... ]

I wonder if it's milk or dark chocolate...

Oh, something else: I discovered a small leak in the office. After mopping up the water and strategicly placing a bucket you could clearly hear a rhythmic drup-drup-drup throughout the office...

[ turn up your volume to fully appreciate this video... ]