Even a small driblet can create something grand...

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Queensday 2008

Didn't do a thing today. And that was what I needed, that rib has gotten me down...

[ more so then the previous days... ]

So I didn't go out to see if I could get any bargains on the free market.

This spot was stil free...

Monday, April 28, 2008

Take it easy

After a pretty intensive trainingsweekend I am taking it easy for now. Not because I want to myself, but because my GP adviced me to...

[ cracked rib, 6 weeks of rest... ]

Ben (dog of the trainer) was smart enough to take it easy the whole time...

Really curious how that goes, taking it easy. I'm not really the 'easy-taking' type...

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Cheese barbarians..!

Often I have to watch in utter horror how my colleagues are manhandeling the cheese. The art of skillfully producing nice slices of cheese is an art missing in most of them. Today we hit a new low...

Ploughed up cheese, barbarians!

Besides abusing cheese, a different type of cheese disaster occurs: overloaded tostis...

[ but those disasters are quite nice... ]

Cheeeeeese spillage...

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Running on music

The weather was nice and I was in need of some natural opiates. Time to go for a run. I have a fixed course I run and I always play the same music. Very energetic music, beats running in silence...
When I get home I can see from the number I'm listening to how long it took me to complete my course.

[ some calculations required, but it seems pretty accurate... ]

Running to some tunes...

And today it went extremely well, I managed to knock almost 3 minutes off my best time. Arrived home a whole song early...

[ but what am I listening to during my run..? ]

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Football is war

Something I saw at the trash in my street made me think of this quote...

Foosball table massacre..?

I wonder whether someone after losing a game smashed up the foosball table, or whether the table was destroyed during a fierce game...

[ why isn't there a special rod with a referee..? ]

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Cooking with herbs

What do you do to really flavour your curry? Right, add some fresh herbs! And I'm not talking about those pathetic small amouts you buy at the supermarket. No, for some real herbs you go to your local toko!

[ they even are a lot cheaper... ]

A whole handful of coriander, 45 cents...

Thursday, April 17, 2008

I'm in...

Since this week the follwoing message is displayed on the website of the 4 day marches:
The second registration period for the 92nd Four Days Marches is closed. The number of registrations in the second period did not exceed the limit of 45,000. Everyone registered in the second period is allowed to participate.

I'm allowed to start, now I have to find some place to stay...

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Yeah, music!

Last song, for now anyway:
Clap Your Hands Say Heah - Is This Love?

[ rumour has it the band didn't like this clip... ]

This song is guaranteed to make me instant happy, puts a skip in my walk and a smile on my face.

[ don't understand why the clip ends in such a depressing way... ]

Monday, April 14, 2008

Music, music, more music!

I've been blogging music all week, so why stop now:
Explosions in the Sky - Your Hand in Mine.

[ did I mention how incredible last.fm is..? ]

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Got around the umbrella

Last night I woke at 02:00 AM from cat sounds from my balconny. I have no idea how Conny got around the umbrella, but getting onto my balconny clearly was easier then getting off again. After a short and loud fight he was able to return to his own balconny.

[ time for a better anti-cat barrier... ]

Get around this...

I still kept the 'for sale' sign of my house, which was just what I needed. I did turn it inside out, don't want the neighbours to think I'm leaving...

Golden oldy

This one is just amazing:
Sigur Rós - svefn-g-englar.

[ clip is certain to give me goosebumps... ]

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Did someone say music?

Since I'm at it:
Joy wants Eternity - From Embrace To Embrace.

[ discovered this band all by myself with last.fm... ]

Friday, April 11, 2008

Cat attack

Now it's really, really, really over! It appeared to go fine between me and Conny for a while, but today I was attacked on my very own balconny!

[ the anti-conny umbrella is back in place... ]

If you look carefully you can see Conny being extremely mad at me...

I'm really disappointed by this turn of events, maybe I should get a cat myself. A nice one that will allow me to stroke it and can meow and purr in the cutest of ways...

Beautiful music

This clip makes me go completely silent:
God is an astronaut - Fragile.

[ this song is oh so beautiful... ]

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Silence be gone

Woei, more music, just because we can:
pg.lost - The Kind Heart of Lanigon.

But why does the cameraman decide to walk to the other end of the room during this song..?

[ maybe he needed to get a beer or something... ]

Wednesday, April 09, 2008

More music?

Yesterday a song, today something else:
Yndi Halda - Illuminate my heart, my darlin.

[ unfortunately no fancy clip, but an energetic live performance... ]

Hidden kitty

Ah, there you are...

[ now I'm wondering whether you didn't always hide there... ]

In the corner, under a table, behind a crate...

The last sighting dated all the way back to February...

Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Care for some music..?

I do not feel like writing something right now, time to listen to something:
iLiKETRAiNS - Terra Nova.

[ reminds me of something, don't know what exactly... ]