Even a small driblet can create something grand...

Monday, June 30, 2008

Wasp door

I do not understand why they have to use such an elaborate way to indicate that there is a door. Yes, it's really tiresome if something is blocking the door, the train driver then has to get out through the side door.

[ just let the door open inward and the problem is solved... ]

Behind this door are no nuclear weapons, just a train driver...

It would be cool if the door would slide up or down when opening (with a Star Trek like 'Swoooosh' sound). But no, it's a regular hingeing door...

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Favourite colour

To be honest I do not really know what my favourite colour is. It used to be red, but I've started to appreciate a lot of other colours since then...

[ take blue for instance, blue is a very beautiful colour... ]

But this is really too much blue for my tatste...

Friday, June 27, 2008

I'm doing something wrong...

It's friday afternoon, the weather is nice and technically it's weekend.

[ so what am I still doing sitting in the office by myself..? ]

Time to go home..?

Thursday, June 26, 2008


Nice weather outside, warm inside; time for some icecream!

[ this time not a creamy fat choco Magnum, but a simple orange split..! ]

Icecream, also nice with a cup of tea...

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

A buzz in the ear

I already listened to it for a whole week on the internet, but when 'með suð í eyrum við spilum endalaust' was released this week, I bought a copy...

[ I am of course talking about the new album from Sigur Rós... ]

With a buzz in our ears we play endlessly...

Thursday, June 19, 2008

New route

My regular running route could use a new challenge, so I've added a new detour to this route...

[ good for at least 5 minutes more running fun... ]

My route: to Westerpark, through Westerpark and back again...

Monday, June 16, 2008

Bad luck..?

A broken mirror is said to bring 7 years of bad luck, but how about wooden spoons..?

[ that can just never be a good omen, can it..? ]

Don't ask me how I managed to break this one...

Friday, June 13, 2008

Course live soccer

After a long day at work, it was decided to watch the soccer game in the office.

[ using the beamer, move the couch and grab a beer... ]

Using the free Dutch TV EC livestream...

But what can you do when one of your colleagues is in NY and wants to join in. And he finds out that the livestream is only available in the Netherlands..?

[ well, you get creative and find a way he can watch the game... ]

Step 1: You find a webcam put this on the table and point it to the game.

Make sure it's not in the light of the beamer...

Step 2: Connect the webcam to an enormous long USB extention cable and connect to your computer.

My computer was located in another room...

Step 3: Open an MSN chatsession with your colleague in NY and share your webcam.

Might not be a 51 inch screen, but it is live...

And..? Were you able to follow the game..?

Monday, June 09, 2008

Nice monster

Forget what I said earlier, the 'Gestetner DSc224 PCL 5c' that now lives in our printer room is not scary. With it you can make scans and have the result sent to you by email!

[ very useful and the possibilities are endless... ]

Scanning 3D objects in high resolution...

Friday, June 06, 2008

Touch screen 2.0

Wow, I have experienced the future: a touch screen with both good auditive and tactile feedback!

[ and using it is strangely addictive... ]

I'm curious when this technology will be available for the iPhone...

Thursday, June 05, 2008

Monster in the printer room

Besides the pictures on the new lunch list, we now have a real monster in our office. A few weeks ago a huge new printer was bought. This 'Gestetner DSc224 PCL 5c' used to be unconnected and in the way, but has become fully operational as of today.

[ I now hardly dare to enter the printer room anymore... ]

When it's printing, it makes really scary noices...

Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Paper kitchen towels

A misunderstanding caused us to order too many roles of disposable paper kitchen towels.

[ at least, I think 62 roles are a bit much... ]

Need a paper towel? Look on top of the kitchen cabinets...

If anyone knoews some creative ways to use some kitchen towels (origami?), please leave a comment.

Sunday, June 01, 2008

Monster list

The original idea for the new lunch list was to have new pictures every month.

[ but that proved pretty tough to realize... ]

Some pictures are acurate enough to be scary...

In the end I found fitting images of very cute fluffy monsters...