Even a small driblet can create something grand...

Monday, December 29, 2008

Winter walking weather

Beautiful weather outside, no time to stay indoors, had to go out and experience the cold...

[ hey, I'm having a holiday..! ]

Getting out of the city, nice wintery scenery...

Oh, and since I would even say it's fairly cold outside, I was wearing my mittens...

My warm winter wolly mittens...

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Ice(cream) age

It's beautiful wintery weather outside, saw lots of people buying ice skates today. Soon conditions will be right for some proper ice.

[ luckily I'm completely prepared already... ]

Super fudge, Triple cherry and Cookie dough...

Now I just need to wait for someone to help me eat it...


Sometimes you find yourself enjoying something very simple...

[ hurray for the small gifts in life..! ]

A homemade CD with various songs...

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Happy holidays!

Since my blog has been activated again, I can now spread a digital christmas greeting...

[ happy christmas everybody... ]

This year no tree, but an enlighted bogu again...

Monday, December 22, 2008

Rubber duck invasion

I was a bit puzzled this morning when I discovered a whole flock of rubber ducks in my kitchen sink. I had forgotten about the big 'will they float' test that was conducted the night before...

[ I don't have a bath tub, so I had to improvise... ]

Result: some ducks are top heavy and tumble...

Blog on

Been busy, really busy. But now Ipve taken the rest of the year off!

[ time to switch this blog on again... ]
