Even a small driblet can create something grand...

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Cheerful tea

One of the reasons I had to switch to another blog (solar fluff) was that I thought this would lower the threshold to post some funny stuff. Luckily I get into nice, wierd, funny, happy, unusual and cheerful situations more often than I have heavy, depressing, (*), sad and plain stupid encounters. But for both things is room on this blog, so I have decided...

A couple of weeks ago I bought myself some chamomile tea. Not because I'm a big fan of herbal teas (chamomile is one of the only herbal teas I drink), but becasue the box was so irresistible cheerful...

At least the box is very cheerful...

The tea bags are extremely dull, but the tea that you get is undeniable real chamomile tea.

[ when I drink the stuff, I'm reminded of the colorful packaging... ]

[ (*) insert even more really sad words ]

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