Even a small driblet can create something grand...

Friday, March 10, 2006

Is that really true?

When I was still a little boy, I wondered about a lot of stuf. Most of the time I would ask my mom or dad, but wasn't alway sure the answers I got were the correct ones. I got the feeling they didn't know the answer to most questions themselves. One of my most tantalizing questions was: "Does the light in the fridge really go off when the door is closed?"

Well, years later, armed with a camera, I finally put this question to the test. Flash off, self exposure on, camera in fridge, door closed and wait...

The inside of my fridge...

The results of the test were quite interesting. There were I expected to get a picture that was just 100% black, I was able to clearly identify a small jar of olives and a tub of butter.

Conclusion: the does light goes of, but it's not pitch black inside!

[ good news for all the vegetables that are affraid of the dark... ]

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