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Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Phone names

Sometimes someone says uses a new name for something which sort of sticks. Before you know it, you start using that word...

For my work I regularly have to be in telephone meetings with colleagues in Dayton Ohio (America). For these meetings we use a special conference telephone. We used to call this phone 'the spiderphone'.

[ which makes sense; the phone has three legs, just like a spider... ]

The phone formaly know as the spiderphone...

We we were getting ready to start a meeting the other day, the connection was made with Dayton, but the meeting hadn't started yet. In the background you could hear people talking, drinking coffee and entering the room.

My colleague (who had never used the spiderphone before and was not attending the meeting) was wondering where all the bustle came from. When I pointed to the conference telephone she said:
"Oh, it sounds just like a babyphone..."

So that's why I now call that telephone 'the babyphone'.

[ just too bad that its dull and black, there are so many nicer models... ]

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