Even a small driblet can create something grand...

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

TNT post says sorry

I received a beautiful, somewhat weathered postcard from Chili. It was packed in a transparent plastic cover together with the following note:
It regrets us to tell you that this item that is mailed to you has been damaged.
In case the damage has been inflicted during the handeling of the mail we offer our appologies.

TNT Post
Although the text was still readable, it was clear that the Chilean mountains that were on the card had encountered some water during its trip.

[ Reinout and Soraya, thanks for the card, how was your holiday..? ]

I love getting messages like this...

I have become very curious what went wrong with the card. Did it blow out of a mailman's hand during a storm, or are the TNT vans not waterproof..?

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

4 o'clock drama!

Just for a minute it appeared things would go horribly wrong. My sandwhcih-origami-skills are being copied by my colleagues, and somewhere between the cantine and the workfloor, two breadrolls had traded places.

[ they looked so alike... ]

Spot the two differences...

And so it happended that I heard a scream of agony and horror: "this isn't my sandwich, there's no letuce on this one, but some wierd white stuff..?!"

[ my cream cheese breadroll had been unpacked by the wrong hands... ]

Luckily we were able to return the sandwiches to their rightful eater. Although there was some confusion again after the bread had possed for their picture...


The plastic cups have been replenished! Coffee and tea for everyone!

[ and now we all realize again that the stuff from the machine isn't very nice... ]

Make your choice, do it.., do it now...

Monday, January 29, 2007


Someone decided we were to have an early meeting. To make sure people showed up on time, a breakfast was arranged.

[ with fresh bread, croissants and currant buns... ]

The wide variety of stuff made us share the goodies; you wanted to tasted something of everything. In no time there was half a croissant and hal an apple turnover on my plate. And as you can see, that's a perfect fit!

Where does the croissant end and the turnover start..?

Friday, January 26, 2007


This week I found a leaflet on my doormat. For the small amount of EURO 12.50 an hour I can hire a Polish fixing team. And according to the leaflet, there is not much they cannot do...

Call them for 10 cent per minute...

[ maybe they can help me lay the skirting boards... ]

Thursday, January 25, 2007

Ice throne

An ice palace is not complete without a real ice throne. Since the small bathroom window in our toilet refuses to close, we now already have a genuine ice throne.

[ I'm not quick to complain of cold, but it definitely isn't comfortable in there... ]

I hope the flush tank won't freeze up...

Wednesday, January 24, 2007


Oh no, We've run out of cups! What should we do..?!

Dutch 'Out of plastic cups' message...

[ and we still aren't allowed to drink from the firehose... ]

Bike seat defrosting

Hurray, it's winter!

[ finally some sub-zero temperatures... ]

Cold seat, brr...

Although I love real winter weather, I had to scrape some white fropst of my bicycle seat...

[ all we need now is snow, some more snow and hot chocolate... ]

Monday, January 22, 2007

Peach hotel

I had to go to Roermond for work. Since that place is not near were I live, I had to spend two nights in a hotel.

Beside the hallways clearly smelling of peach shampoo, I clearly remember the TV remote control.

Not a lot of buttons, simplicity...

There were only six buttons: On/Off, Sound louder, Sound quieter, Mute, Next channel and Previous channel.

[ what more do you need..? ]

Monday, January 08, 2007

A complete wreck

No, this post is not about myself, but about a series of books I bought. I now have all thirteen volumes of A series of unfortunate events.

[ and the whole series in a slip-case is called: The complete wrack... ]

Book Description: (From Amazon.com)
For readers who deserve the very worst, all thirteen volumes in Lemony Snicket's best-selling A Series of Unfortunate Events are now available in one terribly heavy package. Slip-cased in an excruciatingly exquisite box, readers can now uncover the entirety of the Baudelaire's misfortunes—right from The Bad Beginning through to The End. There is nothing worse than having all thirteen of Lemony Snicket's books in one place, except, perhaps, reading them...

One of the thirteen terrible books

They are very beautiful books, with a kind of antique look-and-feel. The one disadvantage of these books (besides the sad stories) is that they read very fast: in under 3 hours you've devoured a volume...

[ but then again, there a thirteen to go through... ]

Sunday, January 07, 2007

Happy new year

To give the new year a good start, I participated in a special iaido training today. From 9:00 in the morning we tried to perform 800 kata (practice patterns). Unfortunately it was 18:00 when we reached 700 kata and had to leave the sports hal.

[ next year more time..? ]

The 'you've made it to 700' certificate...