Even a small driblet can create something grand...

Sunday, March 25, 2007

Signs, where..?

Today it was beautiful outside, so it was time for a stroll. My goal was to walk to Leiden, but somehow I got lost in Hoofddorp. And because I refuse to backtrack, I headed to Haarlem instead.

[ and from Haarlem I walked back home... ]

It was dark when I finally arrived, and now I'm eating pancakes...

There were signs near Schiphol, but they weren't there in Hoofddorp...

Saturday, March 24, 2007


While cycling to kendo practise my bike broke down again. After quite some trail and error I was able to get the chain back on, but I do not feel I could really ride my bike.

[ the chain is on too loosely... ]

After practise I took my bike to a proper bicycle-repairshop. If all goes well, I have him back on tuesday...

Thanks to a rusty chain I'm bikeless for a few days...

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Happy go jumpy

Sometimes you find something that just makes you feel great. I bought a new CD the day before yesterday that I have almost been listening to non-stop.

[ yes, it's playing its sweet tunes now... ]

Clap your hands say yeah!

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Stairs party

I do not what the reason was, but someone has celebrated something somewhere between the 13th and 14th floor. In the staircase there is a small puddle of confetti.

[ it appears to have been a short, vociferous party... ]

I hope I get invited for the next party...

Monday, March 19, 2007

Cycling snowman

Wow, it's snowing, with nice thick white flakes!

[ that melted almost immediatelly on impact with the ground... ]

Free the snowflakes...

In order to get to work on time I was lucky enough to be able to cycle through the snow. When I arrived I was almost completely white.

[ the snow that fell on me did stick... ]

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Going for a walk

Although the weather reports told me to stay indoors with some hot chocolate, I did go outside for a stroll. My original plan was to walk in another direction, but the wind blew me in an Eastern direction. At some point I was planning to walk to Almere, but then it got dark fast all of a sudden...

[ and I didn't bring a flashlight... ]

Sun is setting, time to go home...

In the end I headed to Weesp and got on a train back to Amsterdam.

[ on the way I saw a beautifully colourful wet snowbow... ]

Monday, March 12, 2007


The turned out to be ordinary blue marshmallows, but I can understand why Joy had to buy them.

[ they are just too darn cute... ]

Peep, peep, peep, piep.., we ate them all...

Sunday, March 11, 2007


I'm never going to cycle with Clive again. Less than 10 minutes after he said "What a wierd sound your bike makes..." my chain had come loose...

[ it's terrible to be bikeless in Amsterdam... ]

Luckily I was able to get the chain back on this afternoon.

I hope my chain will never do this again...

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Painting by numbers

Today I was allowed to apply some colour to a piece of paper.

[ unfortunately I could only fill a single small area... ]

And I only had the colour red in my palette...