Even a small driblet can create something grand...

Friday, July 13, 2007


Tom is now the proud owner of a spiderman icecream! On his blog he makes an extensive report (in Dutch) of receiving his superhero treat.

[ or what is left of it... ]

Spiderman: flat and a bit sticky...

I received some comments of people wondering whether I really did sent an icecream by mail.
"You really didn't do that, now did you..? No seariously, you didn't.

I know I have a weird special kind of humor, am (sometimes) unpredictable, but I'm not completely insane...

I deemed the chances of the icecream not surviving its trip and contaminating a whole bunch of mail too great. Since there are also people that sent serious mail by post, I didn't think its would be a good idea to coat these pieces in a nice, sweet smelling layer of spidermanliness...

Therefore I prepataed an envelope in such a way that it would give the impression of being the victim of a vicious icecream attack....

[ I ate the icecream myself, that goes without saying... ]

Tom, your mother was right doubting this story...

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