Even a small driblet can create something grand...

Saturday, October 27, 2007

Company outing

Yesterday it was time, with all my colleagues we were heading in a small cosy green bus (with red carpet and green table lamps) to the surprise location.

[ something requiring swimmingtrunks, that's all we knew... ]

After a short trip we were dropped of at Dutch water dreams and were hoisted into a wetsuit. We got some safety instructions and some practise in 'how to keep a float in fast streaming cold water' we were allowed to choose a peddle and get aboard of a rubber boat.

[ and than peddle like your life depended on it... ]

Look out: a water rapid! And another one...

A few rounds in an enormous tub later and having lost just two passengers it was time for something else: flowboarden.

Trying to surf on a generated wave...

After all these watery activities we ended the outing in a warm tapas bar in The Hague.

[ when is our next outing..? ]

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