Statistics time (2)
Again a whole year of blogging has passed, time to crunch some 2008 numbers...
[ and compare these to 2007... ]
- 582 visits (+24%)
- 395 unique visitors (+63%)
- 38 countries (+61%)
- 893 page views (+6%)
- average time on site 1:17 (9 seconde less)
- Top day: february 6th: 15 visitors
- 28.69% found site using a search enginge (+69%)
- Strangest search terms: "puddle jumping rainboots", "brocolli dessert", "croissant turnover" and "tractor cookie"
- 17 visits through search term with "M&M" in it
- Most viewed page (besides homepage): The big M&M test
![]() Numbers and charts... |
[ again a big thanks to everyone that helped create these stats... ]
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