Even a small driblet can create something grand...

Sunday, August 02, 2009

English blog on hold

Trying to blog in Dutch and English is causing me to update less frequently as I would like. Therefore I've decided (for the time being) to not update Driblet but to continue updating Drup.

[ hopefully on a frequent basis... ]

English blog pauzed...

So please visit Drup for updates in Dutch, or alternatively follow my random, infrequent, incoherent English tweets...

[ warning: I'm still not a firm believer in Twittering... ]

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Day of the Triffids..?

The end is near! We're all going to die horribly! I think the fierce thunderstorm of monday awoke them!

[ anyone read / seen the day of the Triffids..? ]

It moved quite a bit, luckily it's really slow...

Apparently he didn't like his spot on the bridge, it moved away towards the bicycle lane. Maybe it's hoping of catching a biker passing by (or a dog). Anyway, I'm giving this plant a wide berth...

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

No-no bear..?

On my way to work this morning I had to blink my eyes twice before I could believe what I was seeing. Winnie the Pooh was trying to escape through a letterbox...

[ or was he actually trying to get in..? ]

The 'No-No' anti-advertisment sticker apparently doesn't stop bears...

Friday, May 22, 2009

Tweet, tweet, tweet, cute...

Just like the previous year, a family of blue tits has build a nest in the space between our office and our neighbours. The tjirping can be heard in the office which is cute but a little bit distracting...

[ if you are lucky you can see mom or dad flying by the window... ]

They live at the top, left of the rain pipe...

Today we spotted a young tit on the windowsill outside. It looked inside with interest, but flew still rather unsteady....

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

K3 chocolate sprinkles

After the christmas and easter sprinkles I was ready for something new. A colleague bought a package of K3 sprinkles, especially for me.

[ containing real K3 chocolate hearts..! ]

Colourfully pink, but tastes of regular (milk) chocolate...

The package is nearly empty, when finished I am allowed to start on the blue Pete the Pirate sprinkles...

[ with mysterious choco-treasure chests..! ]

Friday, May 15, 2009

Flower dress

Friends sometimes do strange things, sometimes very beautiful things. This friday was a good example of the latter...

[ congratulations Laura and Rogier..! ]

Nice dress Laura :-)

Sunday, May 10, 2009

The great escape

Argh, birthdays. Good thing the weather was nice so I was able to make a run walk for it...

[ it's starting to become a tradition now... ]

34 kilometer on my 34th birthday...

Friday, January 23, 2009

Milk bomb

  • Cup of milk
  • Cappucino addicted colleague
  • Microwave
  • Diversion
With a beautiful 'Ca-Bow' the superheated milk exploded in the company microwave.

[ nice milk drops covered the microwave ceiling... ]

At least the milk was hot enough now...

Saturday, January 17, 2009


Every now and then you look and realize it's beautiful outside. So beautiful you want to stop and enjoy the sight.

[ but also want to hurry and catch a train... ]

Enjoy some red afterglow in the morning...

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Bit of luck..?

Sometimes things are against you, sometimes they're not. When I unlocked my bikes this afternoon I realized I had a bit more luck then my neighbour.

[ or it was a case of a bird that can't aim... ]

Luckily it was only a small bird and not a heron...

Window deer

There you were, just standing in the window sill looking outside.

[ and christmas is really over... ]

And now the little deer is on my desktop...

Sunday, January 04, 2009

Wow..! :-)

This is fun!

[ and strange, weird, odd, beautiful, nice... ]

Oh, and of course sweet...

Saturday, January 03, 2009

750 kata in 2009

TO make a good start of this new year I took part in the new years training. This years target was 750 iaido kata (practice forms), we had to start early.

[ which means getting up early as well... ]

I had promised to take some stuff along. To make sure I would remember these items with my sleepy head, I left some mental notes...

It helps: I did not forget..!

In Amersfoort we started at the 750 kata. We started at 8:30 begonnen, and at 17:30 the counter reached sevenhundred-and-fifty!

[ and in all honesty, by that time you've had it... ]

Attention drifts to faces in the floor...

Oh, we also raised almost 2,000 EURO for a good cause...

Friday, January 02, 2009

Random M&M post

Since blogging about M&M's appears to attract visitors to my site, I thought it was time to share a random story regarding M&M's.

[ like the fact you can sort them on colour... ]

To proceed laying them in a rainbow-like circle...

Thursday, January 01, 2009

Statistics time (2)

Again a whole year of blogging has passed, time to crunch some 2008 numbers...

[ and compare these to 2007... ]
  • 582 visits (+24%)
  • 395 unique visitors (+63%)
  • 38 countries (+61%)
  • 893 page views (+6%)
  • average time on site 1:17 (9 seconde less)
  • Top day: february 6th: 15 visitors
  • 28.69% found site using a search enginge (+69%)
  • Strangest search terms: "puddle jumping rainboots", "brocolli dessert", "croissant turnover" and "tractor cookie"
  • 17 visits through search term with "M&M" in it
  • Most viewed page (besides homepage): The big M&M test

Numbers and charts...

[ again a big thanks to everyone that helped create these stats... ]

Have fun in 2009

I wish evrybody all the best for 2009, may it be filled with beautiful moments!

[ and if there not enough of these, you need to try harder..! ]

Last smile of 2008 in a thin layer of snow...

Monday, December 29, 2008

Winter walking weather

Beautiful weather outside, no time to stay indoors, had to go out and experience the cold...

[ hey, I'm having a holiday..! ]

Getting out of the city, nice wintery scenery...

Oh, and since I would even say it's fairly cold outside, I was wearing my mittens...

My warm winter wolly mittens...

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Ice(cream) age

It's beautiful wintery weather outside, saw lots of people buying ice skates today. Soon conditions will be right for some proper ice.

[ luckily I'm completely prepared already... ]

Super fudge, Triple cherry and Cookie dough...

Now I just need to wait for someone to help me eat it...


Sometimes you find yourself enjoying something very simple...

[ hurray for the small gifts in life..! ]

A homemade CD with various songs...

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Happy holidays!

Since my blog has been activated again, I can now spread a digital christmas greeting...

[ happy christmas everybody... ]

This year no tree, but an enlighted bogu again...