Even a small driblet can create something grand...

Thursday, January 26, 2006

Chocolate cake...

Wanting to eat something sweet and having a chocolate cake in one of my kitchen cupboards I quickly put two and two together...

Having the excuse that the cake needed to fit into a round cookie jar (and chocolate belongs to one of those essential things you must eat), I started by cutting off a big piece.

[ I think is was about 4 cm. thick... ]

The taste of the cake was rather disappointing. A bit dry, but that wouldn't stop me desperately trying to enjoy the chocolat bits hidden in the cake. I realized that the thing had been lying in my cupboard for some time, and things dry out...

After taken off (and eating) the first piece, the cake fitted in the cookie jar. But I figured that taking only a single piece would be like insulting the cake, so I started cutting my second piece.

[ this time of a more normale thickness... ]

This piece again taste like ...err... like you wouldn't expect a nice chocolate cake to taste like...

See, the cake fitts the jar nicely...

But hey, chocolate is chocolate, so I started cutted myself a third piece. When I was getting the (nicely reduced) cake back in the jar, I made an unpleasant surprise. Still doing my upmost best to like the cake, and having taken out a big bite from piece no. 3, I saw the bottom of the cake for the first time. Wait a minute: chocolate cake should be brown and spons-like, not greenish-white and hairy..!

You might have guessed: the cake was way past its sell-by-date, and was trying to make this clear to me by growing a nice and mouldy patch at the bottom. If you take a close look at the above image, you can see that the third piece is slightly dis-colored at the middle...

It's a waste, now I must throw out the remainder of the cake, it still is chocolate...

[ mental note: must get another -fresh- one tomorrow... ]

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