Even a small driblet can create something grand...

Sunday, July 30, 2006

Lost and found (2)

If you miss him, you can come by and collect him...

I wrote this line almost three months ago in a post in regarding a honey flavoured licorice I had found.

This morning I found the follwing e-mail in my mailbox:
Dear driblet,

Filled with dismay we read your post regarding Rob, our licorice brother. We lost all contact with Rob at the end of March this year and we all feared for his life. We were very relieved when we discovered that you have found him.

When we are in the vicinity we would like to come and collect him. We would appreciate it if you would not eat Rob, and keep an eye on him.

Thanks for all the trouble,
The honey licorice familiy

Rob, please come back, we miss you...

I'm now anxiously awaiting from the moment they come by to pick up Rob...

Saturday, July 29, 2006

Going for a walk (2)

The weather was nice, so I had to go out for a walk. Unlike the previous time I did set a goal for this trip.

And after almost 2.5 hours of walking, I saw my target on a road sign!

Amersfoort, here I come...

Not that much later (less then 5.5 hours) I was standing on the doorstep of Rogier en Laura in Amersfoort.

[ do not step on the threshold, they were being painted..! ]

All in all I estimate I walked for about 55 kilometer, all I have to do now is to think of a new destination...

Friday, July 28, 2006

Hammer time

I love pictograms. This one I spotted in a bus in Haarlem.

Hit it baby, one more time...

The most interesting feature of this image is the fact that the man somehow looks to be very angry...

[ I do not know why, but he looks to be in a vile mood... ]

Thursday, July 27, 2006

New cloud

Scopus has a new cloud. The old cloud had served its purpose and in all the various upcoming advertisment campaigns the new cloud will be used.

Filled with pride they sent round the new cloud. I have to admit, it's a nice, cute, freah and fluffy cloud.

[ it's just that my wierd brain immediatelly sees all kinds of things... ]

No sweet little lamb, but an old gnome with an enormous Elvis hairdo...

And the thing is, once you know that there is something hidden in the image, it almost becomes impossible to un-see it...

New cloud

Scopus has a new cloud. The old cloud had served it's purpose and in all the various upcoming advertisment campaigns the new cloud will be used.

Filled with pride they sent round the new cloud. I have to admit, it's a nice, cute, freah and fluffy cloud.

[ it's just that my wierd brain immediatelly sees all kinds of things... ]

No sweet little lamb, but an old gnome with an enormous Elvis hairdo...

And the thing is, once you know that there is something hidden in the image, it almost becomes impossible to un-see it...

Monday, July 24, 2006

Strange interests

Since I maintain this blog, I've collected some new wierd interests. One new interest is to make pictures of usual and unusual objects from strange angles.

[ some witnesses of one of my photo shoots probably think I'm crazy... ]

If I now see something worth taking a picture of, I just grap my camera or mobile phone and take a picture.

I know what this is, do you..?

Saturday, July 22, 2006

Hot (5)

I have given is to the heat, the warm weather has finally claimed victory over me...

This morning I officially signed my defeat by going to the shops and buying a fan. I was planning to buy a small table fan, but those models had already sold out.

I now am the proud owner of a real 'Home classics' chromed standing fan of approximatelly 40cm diameter...

[ mine has a black standard, not a shiney silver one.. ]

A nice cool breeze is now taking care of the extreme temperatures...

Update: it is now raining and there is a fierce lighting storm outside. I hope that it clears soon and that things start to heat up again, otherwise my fan is of no real use...

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Hot (4)

Today I was working in an office in Rotterdam that had the same amount of ventilators as there were employees...

[ this meant I had my own private ventilator... ]

Nice cool breeze on a hot day...

When I arrived home I found my appartment had heat up again to 31 degrees. I'm sort of getting used to this now...

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Back again...

I don't think anyone was surprised to see me walking through the office today. After an absence of exactly 14 weeks (a new record!) I'm working on the Scopus project again.

This mug will be filled often by this machine...

I've already claimed my desk and felt at home in no time...

[ and luckily the air conditioning system is doing its magic... ]

Saturday, July 15, 2006


I know some birds become accustomed to humans, but there are limits...

This great blue heron was waiting outside a local fish shop. People walked by him from all sides, but this big bird didn't care and kept foot...

I hope for the car owner he doesn't need to relieve himself anytime soon...

Friday, July 14, 2006

Exit intern Hans

He has been busy the last couple of months completing his report; but now it's finished. Today we held the final assesment on a sunny terras in Amsterdam. Together with his coach from his college (Hanze hogeschool in Groningen) we reviewed his intership period.

[ and drunk a few beers in the sunshine... ]

Thanks for all the work Hans..!

As a 'thank you' I recieved a bottle of rosé wine. All I have to do now is chill this bottle and go and find a sunny park with a picknick spot...

[ anyone interested..? ]

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Brocolli dessert

We still had to do one last user test this evening (last of 16). And because you need to eat, we visited a Indonesian toko.

[ I couldn't resist to buy the following dessert... ]

Brocolli cake..?

It looks really healty, but in fact it is a really nice and sweet cocos sponge cake...

Sunday, July 09, 2006


Lisette came by this evening to drop off some stuff. I had forgotten to take some posters and some other small stuff when I moved almost a year ago.

After diner we still needed to divide some stuff, some small things and some photos. Damn, it's really weird to see images of all the things we did together. We spend some time reminiscing, I think we both enjoyed it.

Although it is good to share the memories, at moments like these you are also confronted with the fact that it's all over. And that hurts...

[ luckily I have some pictures to go with the memories now... ]

A pile of memories on the diner table...

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Hot (3)

Ok, just when you think things cannot heat up any worse, you come home and realize that you were wrong...

[ pfffff, it's hottttttttttttttttt... ]

Can it get any warmer..?

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Hot (2)

I just arrived home after a long day in a very hot office to find out that it's also very hot at home...

A whole degree warmer than the day before yesterday...

[ luckily I still have those very nice and cold icecreams... ]

Sunday, July 02, 2006


It's hot outside, so it's also hot inside.

[ according the thermostat it's 29.5 degrees inside... ]

Pfff, hot...

Luckily I bought a big box with icecreams, so I'll manage just fine at home...

Saturday, July 01, 2006


Our cabinet has reseigned. In all likelyhood we will be able to cast our vote somewhere this year to elect a new government. This will undoubtly mean the election campagns will start very soon...

But ahead of all the election posters that will be plastered all over the place, I saw a very peculiar way to run a campagn the other day. On the wall of an apartment building someone wrote the followingg text with a red pen:

Choose list 25 Slotervaart

Election graffiti..?

I assume it's a local party, I cannot imagine this party being active on a national scale. And that's a good thing.

[ otherwise someone would need to write a lot of posters with that red pen... ]