Even a small driblet can create something grand...

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Thank you Scopus

As a contracter, you always know the day is coming when your time is up and you have to move on to new adventures projects. Well, today this day has come for me to say goodbye to my favourite project: Scopus.

[ again... ]

Several piles of paper on 'my' desk will be the last reminders of the work I've done in the last months.

Piles of paper UI specs

[ that and of course the cute little orange RSS button... ]

I hereby want to thank everyone from the Scopus team in Amsterdam and in Dayton for being able to be part of the team. This time I again had a great time and will miss you all.

The very best of luck with Scopus, and maybe until next time...

Ps. please make sure the UCD cookie jar never runs empty, and if you ever need a poster again, you can always call me do it yourself now..!

Driblets [2]

Anonymous Anonymous thinks...

don't go Martijn, please don't go. hehe, you'll be back (I hope). You'll be missed until your glorious return.

Reaction time 11 April, 2006 17:47

Anonymous Anonymous thinks...

To that I just would like to add:
Welcome back Martijn!!

Great blog by the way, Moira just told me about it!

Reaction time 21 July, 2006 13:07


Leave something behind

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