Even a small driblet can create something grand...

Tuesday, January 31, 2006

UCD cookie jar

This was definitely one of my better ideas: the UCD cookie jar. UCD stands for 'User Centered Design', and it's the name of the group if been working for at a project for quite some time: Scopus.

[ with 'quite some', I mean the past three year... ]

I really like to eat candy, so I decided to provide a cookie jar that everybody in the team could use.

[ people outside our team have discoverd it as well... ]

The principle of the cookie jar is simple: everyone can take from it he or she likes, as long as you fill it up again once in a while.

Candy frogs on the left, ddutch licorice on the right...

The filling it up part of the bargain is kept pretty well: there's always something exciting in the jar. Cookies, licorice, chocolate, pollies, donuts, wierd Japanese wasabi-sweets, artificial flavoured (and colored) candy, now and laters, fluffy stuff, there is nothing I can think of that hasn't been in our jar before.

[ UCD Cookie Jar: U Can Donate! ]

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