Even a small driblet can create something grand...

Sunday, June 11, 2006

Going for a walk (2)

The predicted heatwave in the Netherlands created some beautiful weather. I decided to fill my bag with two bottles of water and some packets of cookies (Oreo's). I didn't really have a plan where to go, so I first headed some direction, leaving town.

[ not in the direction of Haarlem, I've already been there... ]

After one and a half hour of walking, I encountered the following sign:

All possible destinations...

Mmm, Utrecht, that sounds like a nice ending point for my walk, let's go there.

Five and a half hour later I found myself in a train from Utrecht central station back to Amsterdam. When I was home again, I had walked about 45 kilometer (I also had to walk from Amsterdam station to my home).

[ I'll bet I will be sore tomorrow... ]

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