Even a small driblet can create something grand...

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Power key

For a couple of hours I was in possesion of the key: the one that opens the coffee machine!

[ I just happened to find that key somewhere... ]

I did think of ways to abuse this power. For instance opening the machine and wrting strange texts on random plastic cups.
  • Careful, hot!

  • You need to finish this one before you get another Spencer!

  • Like a buscuit with that..?

  • Please try our wonderful Wiener melange

  • What the *&%! This isn't chocolate milk...

Would this key fit all the machine in the building..?

Eventually I didn't go through with any of my devious plans. Everybody would immediatly think that I was behind something like this, like with the sticky tape in the fridge...

[ which I really, really had nothing to do with... ]

When I saw the coffee machine man yesterday I surrendered the key to him. I think that is in the best interest of the whole floor...

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