Even a small driblet can create something grand...

Monday, February 19, 2007

Sandwich tragedy..!

Human error is here to stay...
This is a famous quote in my profession. The weakest link in the chain is often a human. Since life will become very boring if you take the human element out of everything, we haven't done it (yet).

[ nobody trust a machine or computer for the full 100%... ]

Today I exhibitted a nice piece of human error. I always make an extra sandwich at lunchtime which I plan to eat around 16:00. In the cantine you are required to place your dirty dishes on a converter belt. Then are then brought to the washing-up facility somewhere in the basement.

I always first place my tray on the converter belt, and pick up my nicely wrapped sandwich and my jar of sambal. That normally goes without any incidents.., except today. Today I grabbed the jar of sambal and my empty milk karton.

[ correct action: partly correct objects grabbed... ]

Almost teary-eyed I saw my breadroll desent towards the washing-up basement. I tried to make a saving dive for my 4 o'clock snack, but I had my hands full with the sambal and the empty milk karton...

New breadroll, with the compliments of Eurest catering service...

When I told a catering service employee of my unfortunate event, I was told that the bread would most likely be thrown away immediately. To comfort me in my loss, I was allowed to get a new free breadroll...

[ wow, what a service..! ]

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