Even a small driblet can create something grand...

Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Multimedia (2)

Now I have an extension cord for my internet access, I'm able to simultaneously watch tv and work on my computer.

[ like I'm doing now for instance... ]

While this in itself is a good thing, I discovered a disadvantage of being a multimediman. I already use a different remote control for my TV and DVD player, but now I also have a mouse on my coffee table. Because I'm so used to click to navigate from websites or change channels with at a click of a button, I'm now beginning to confuse things...

Stupid program, click back, errr.., zapp away...

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Faucet rings

When I came home today, the sun was shining through my kitchen window. This time I did not see ugly smears, but something very beautiful...

The light was playing with my faucet...

[ if you looked closely, you could see a circular rainbow on the wall... ]

Monday, May 29, 2006

No smears

Today I worked from home. This has its advantages (no journey), but I also discovered a disadvantage.

I was busy working, computer was running, cup of tea. The sun was shining outside, right through my window. My living room was beautifully illuminated. But what was that..? I had washed that window this very weekend...

[ or so I thought... ]

Grr, I thought I did a good job...

You can only see those smears in that particular light. If I had been working in the office, I would still believe I was a good window cleaner...

Sunday, May 28, 2006


Which idiot has invented this: cheeseburger? And I do not mean those soggy hamburgers with a slice of cheese on the burger. This time I'm talking about a piece of cheese in a breadcrumb coat. You can bake it and eat it together with potatoes and vegatables

[ creating a typical Dutch meal: meat burger, potatoes and veggies... ]

But what was the product developer thinking when he created the cheeseburger? Did he think the cheese would stay in the breadcrumb coat when you bake the thing..?

Cheeseburgers in the frying pan, start baking...

Cheese will not be controled. Before the coat has turned golden brown and crispy, the cheese has strated melting and is oozing its way out; it looks really messy!

Is there a way to do this right? Do I have to freeze the burgers first and then bake them quickly? Or should I eat these things cold? I'd really appreciate any tips, I really like these cheeseburgers...

Friday, May 26, 2006

Snif, snif, driblet

My body did not totally agree with me regarding being completely better today. Luckily, the 'wet mop' feeling of yesterday has almost completely dried up.

The main thing that has gone unchanged is the frequency I have to blow my nose.

[ to prevent me dripping on my keyboard... ]

Toilet rolls are very useful tissue-replacements...

I'm working today with a toilet roll within reach, so I can blow my nose whenever I need to. On a day like today you really start to wonder how man is able to produce so much snot in one day. Because I'm afraid I'm going to dehydrate myself, I'm going to drink lots and lots of tea...

Thursday, May 25, 2006

Lazy day

I thought that I was getting better yesterday, but today I took full advantage of not having to go to work because of ascension day. I spend most of the day in my pyamas on the couch.

[ and coughed a lot and loud... ]

A wet mop is how I felt today...

Luckily I'm feeling much better now. The scraping sound that I produced when inhaling deeply is gone now.

Because I'm fed up with feeling this way, I just decided that I will be completely fit tomorrow.

[ I hope the rest of my body agrees with me... ]

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Barry White

It all started with an itching throath last night. By the time I woke up this morning, I found my whole throath aching and swollen...

Coughing was painful and (if I really tried) I could produce very unsavory bits of yellow slime...

[ I will leave out a more graphic description... ]

When I arrived at the office I felt like the object in the below picture.

A wet, weak teabag...

I had to call quite a lot of people in the morning, and my voice had gained a very nice, deep and raspy quality. People I spoke didn't recognize my voice. And when I closed my eyes and started humming quietly, I sounded just like Barry White.

[ mmmm, you're the first, mmmmy last, mmmmy everything Uh-uh... ]

Saturday, May 20, 2006


My computer used to stand very close to my television. I was able to work on my computer and watch tv at the same time.

Since most programs on television do not require much of my attentention, these two things go together surprisingly well. The problem is that in my new house, my computer isn't located that close to my tv. Luckily I can use the laptop from work. I can operate that machine from my coffee table, which is stands before my television.

SO, problem solved, you might think, but that is not the case: my coffee table doesn't have an internet connection...

But the solution is very simple: an extension cord...

With this, I can even acesss the internet from my dinner table...

I'm now able to work, surf the internet, update my blog and watch television, all simultaneously.

[ and once in a while you see something verrrrrry strange... ]

Stange lads, those Finnish rockers...

At this very moment the Eurovisie song contest is being held. The performers from Finland must have thought that they could try to do something new...

[ well, they have succeeded in doing that... ]

[Edit] OH MY GOD, the Finnish have won... [/Edit]

Nesting box

I'm probably too late this year to offer any birds a roof above their heads, but I've placed them on my balcony.

[ not one nesting box, but two... ]

Wanted: birds with family plans...

I installed a bright orange and a classical green nesting box. I wonder which one will be occupied first...

[ I did remove the small wooden fence that was attached to the box... ]

Thursday, May 18, 2006

AAAHHHhhh cookies

As official lunch-coordinator, I sometimes do some shopping. And when you do some shopping, you buy cookies!

Today I bought some really nice chocolate chip cookies. But when I opened them, I was really disappointed.

[ and that had nothing to do with the taste... ]

I'm missing some cookies...

The packaging suggested that it would be filled with cookie all the way (top to bottom), but after opening the was room for three, maybe even four extra cookies!

If you're going to do it that way, make the package smaller, it will save you on transportation costs.

[ but even better: add more cookies to that box..! ]

Monday, May 15, 2006

Bindmaster 2000

Two copies of a thick report of just over 100 pages were showing of on our meeting room table. Later that day the results of that report were to be presented to the client, but first I had to bind the two paper piles into two booklets.

[ make holes, attach binder-thingie, ready... ]

And to get that job done, we let a monster of a device out of the closet: the Bindmaster...

Big box, even bigger machine...

It took quite a fight. It is not as easy as it looks to perforate paper. When three people simultaneously started to operate the machine, everything worked out.

[ thank you great bindmaster, thank you... ]

Sunday, May 14, 2006

No more cake

I gave myself a fright. The first couple of days of my 31st year I was plagued by a really bad mood. For a second I came to believe that this mood was part of being 30+ years old. Luckily I quickly found out that it was caused by it being very too busy at work.

[ but not too busy for a piece of cake... ]

Former strawberry wipped cream birthday cake...

There weren't that many people in the office, so the birthday cake lasted for a long time, but now it finally is finished...

[ the cake kept fresh for a surprising long time... ]

Friday, May 12, 2006

Mystery solved

I've been carrying a big mystery for a long, long time. Today I finally saw something that made everything fall in its place!

In the central staircase in the office building I worked in on the Scopus project, on one of the glass windows the following cryptical message was written:

Who or what is an Akar Kitten..? Are those cute or extremely dangerous..?!

But today, on my way home, I saw this white van parked beside the road:

'Kitten' is Dutch for applying lute or sealant...

So my elusive Akar kitten is nothing more than a company that applies sealant...

[ if I ever need some sealant, I now know who to call... ]

Thursday, May 11, 2006

Cooking with power

Today I decided that I was going to finish some work. I wouldn't leave the office until things were done.

[ I really sound like I'm tough on myself now... ]

But you can't work late on an empty stomage, so I popped to the nearby supermarket and got myself a delicious microwave dinner.

If you look very closely, you can spot some lasagne...

With a cheerful and loud 'pling' the microwave announced after several minutes of making buzzing noices that dinner was ready.

[ you shouldn't do this often, but it is really easy to cook this way... ]

Wednesday, May 10, 2006


Happy birthday to me, happy birthday to me, Happy biiiiirthday dear Martijn, Happy birthday to me..!

[ officially thirthy-one years old now... ]

I even received some brithday cards...

Monday, May 08, 2006


Inspired by the hot weather Hans (our intern) got the briljant idea to go out and get some icecream. He returned with a big box 'Happy Mix'.

[ filled with all kinds of 'happy' popsicles... ]

Thanks Hans!

Unfortunately the image on the packaging clearly indicated what was in the box, so the content was no surprise...

[ just a single big, creamy chocolate Magnum... ]

Sunday, May 07, 2006

Going for a walk

The weather was beautiful today, so I decided it was a good idea to go for a stroll. I put a bottle of water in a bag, put on some shorts and left.

[ but where should I go..? ]

A well, I just started walking out of town. I then decided it might be nice to go to Haarlem on a sunday. When I reached Haarlem I saw the following sign:

A clue to my new destination...

So I headed to Zandvoort, but somehow I ended up in Bloemendaal aan Zee. From there I finally made it to Zandvoort. That was far enough for me, so I took the train back to Amsterdam.

[ all in all it was approximately a 35 kilometer walk... ]

Thursday, May 04, 2006

Bad, bad mailman

I've never seen this kind of note before. Probably because this type of error seldom happens.

[ or they are not noticed in time by the mailman... ]

dear sir/madam,

I accidently delivered mail for someone else at your address.
Unfortunately I could not correct my mistake.
I hereby offer my apologies for the trouble my mistake caused.
Would you be so kind to deliver the wrongly delivered mail to the correct address or drop the mail in one of our red TPG Post mailboxes?

Kind Regards,

Your mailman


The note (in Dutch)...

I thought this was so cute. I directly delivered the mail that was meant for my nextdoor neighbours. I'm definetely going to save this note!

[ I've instantly become a big fan of mailman Han... ]