Even a small driblet can create something grand...

Monday, October 01, 2007

Cycle...what the?...crash..!

I'm cycling to an appointment in the early morning light, well on time, neat shirt (ironed it myself), everything will go just fine. All I need to do is cross a bridge at the central station and take the ferry north.

[ steap bridge, some extra power is needed... ]

Than, all of a sudden I'm only holding the handle of my bike in my hand. The stearless bike swerves and smashes halfway on the bridge to the ground...

This shouldn't let go...

Thanks to a reflex (or pure luck) I manage to keep from falling. People look at me like I can't ride a bike. In my astonishment I hold up my loose handle, but no one seems to care, everybody just continues biking.

[ I get up and do the same... ]

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