Even a small driblet can create something grand...

Thursday, October 04, 2007

Park avenue

I am to travel again for work, this time to New York! After landing on Newark airport I took the traion to the centre to find myself surrounded by skyscrapers.

[ mission: buy a city map and find your hotel... ]

I quickly located Park avenue on my new map. After some zig-zagging through streets and avenues I reach Park. All I had to do was walk on to number 365 and check-in in the hotel.

Wow, I'm in New York...

After arriving at number 345 I cross the street to discover number 375. What happened to 365? After some confused looking around I decide to ask. It turns out that Park avenu has two sides (East and West) with its own numbering.

[ and I had to be on the other side of course... ]

East-side was not on my side...

Just when I had gathered myself to walk about 26 blocks the other way, I hear my name. To my surprise I see a friend from my schooldays who lives in New York now. I was supposed to meet him and his girlfriend on frisdaynight for some drinks, but running into him now is just dumb luck...

[ only something like 8 million people live in New York... ]

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