Even a small driblet can create something grand...

Monday, February 25, 2008

First day of testing

One day down, three more to go...

[ the test went fine, no surprising results thusfar... ]

Directly after the last test I moved to the next location (Colwyn Bay). Checked into a hotel that can best be described as 'Faulty Towerish'.

The room had carpet everywhere, even in the bathroom...

Driblets [1]

Anonymous Anonymous thinks...

Yeah, we do carpets in bathrooms and toilets over here in England! Only in recent years have we become more continental and stripped away the carpet - I miss stepping onto carpet when you get out of the shower (showers also a continental innovation - only used to have baths)! But most people still have separate hot and cold taps so your hands either freeze or burn when washing. We're special.

Reaction time 05 March, 2008 22:52


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