Even a small driblet can create something grand...

Sunday, February 26, 2006

King fisher

Saturday, after kendo practice in Amsersfoort, I was walking through a very small park...

[ patch of grass, ten trees, some water and a little bridge... ]

And all of a sudden I spotted a little king fisher, sitting on a branch overlooking the water...

We don't see these in Amsterdam...

Driblets [3]

Blogger Martijn thinks...

Ah, the comments function was broken... But not to worry, it's fixed now: I made a mistake in the template settings.


[ sorry to everyone who tried to comment before the repair... ]

Reaction time 27 February, 2006 14:50

Anonymous Anonymous thinks...

It really works Andrew, stop moaning and keep trying...


Reaction time 27 February, 2006 15:03

Anonymous Anonymous thinks...

zen and the art of moaning - it's what I do.

Reaction time 27 February, 2006 15:03


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