Even a small driblet can create something grand...

Saturday, February 18, 2006


I was feeling pretty proud of myself yesterday. I was doing my best trying to find my way to a wedding of two of my friends. I had over-estimated my ability to be able to find my way in unfamiliar surroundings, so I was well on my way at getting there too late...

With less than 10 minutes on the clock, and (even though I had a map) with no idea I was compared to my destination, I put aside my male pride: I asked for directions...

[ twice to be exact... ]

I needed to get to here, somewhere...

After recieving advice twice on how to continue my way, a terrible scenario started to play inside my head over my exact moment of arrival. You know those scenes in a movie in which the priest ask: "If anyone objects to this marriage, speak now or hold forever silent..." At that precise moment the double doors swing open and someone (usually wet to the bone) ruines the whole ceremony by speaking...

Well, I was soaked by the rain, but I was not too late. I even had two whole minutes to spare!

[ all thanks to my way-pointing ladies... ]

Oh, the wedding ceremony was fun and relaxed, and the party afterwards was very good indeed!

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