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Wednesday, February 08, 2006


There are some things that I so absolutely dislike, that I go to great lengths to avoid them.

My top 2 by far is: Paprika and Cucumber

The last reeks just very bad, the first thing just isn't nice. That's why it's one of lifes the great mysteries to that the Dutch manage to get the stuff in just about any meal you can imagine...

Don't like paprika, do like pringles...

Luckily I developed some great skills in A) search for food that do not contain paprika, B) make sure it does not get into the food by finding it before it reaches the pan (handy when buying packages of mixed vegatables in the supermarket), or C) taking great care to find all the pieces of paprika on your plate whilst eating.

One really nasty property of paprika is that it comes in three different colors.

[ and you're not always sure which color you're looking for... ]

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