Even a small driblet can create something grand...

Sunday, February 12, 2006


NOW EVEN MORE DELICIOUS! it screams at me in big, bright red letters on my favorite brand of peanuts. Filled with anxiety I place the bag with dry roasted peanuts in my blue schopping basket. What did they change? Do I still like them..?

[ they haven't added even more salt did they..?! ]

On bag old style, one new...

Luckily I had an (old) package of peanuts at home, from before the taste change. A quick glance ar the list of ingredients dit not yield any change. Same ingredients, same taste would say...

[ this calls for a thorough investigation... ]

Filled with anticipation, I opened the package of the new and improved taste this evening. I took one, but didn't taste anything different. I took a handful; still no new taste experience. I had a close look at one of the peanuts. It still looked like a dry, scriffeled up peanut, not very likely to come first (or second) in any beaty contest.

But what was the difference between the old and the new taste..? Again I took it upon me to study the packaging, in particular the new line of red text on the yellow background. At first I had asumed that the text was printed on the package, but at closer inspection I realized it was a big sticker.

After some tearing at the corners, I managed to peal of the sticker. Now I had a package of the old and loved dry roasted peanuts in my hands: not the EVEN MORE DELICIOUS stuff, just the old and familiar taste.

I came to the conclusion that the package should have said: NOW WITH A BRIGHT STICKER!

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