Even a small driblet can create something grand...

Wednesday, February 22, 2006


Eventhough I recently complained about recieving too little mail, today I want to blog about recieving too much mail...

When I came home today I found a whole pile of letters: my door mat was completely covered

A lot of mail...

Filled with joy, I checked what the mailman had brought:

  • A letter from the Nuon, addressed to the previous inhabitant
  • A letter from the Nuon, addressed to the previous inhabitant
  • A letter from the Nuon, addressed to the previous inhabitant
  • A letter from my bank, savings overview
  • A letter from the Nuon, addressed to the previous inhabitant
  • A letter from the phone company, a bill
  • A letter from the Nuon, addressed to the previous inhabitant
  • A letter from the Nuon, addressed to the previous inhabitant
  • A letter from the Nuon, addressed to the previous inhabitant
  • A letter from the Nuon, addressed to the previous inhabitant
  • A letter from the Nuon, addressed to the previous inhabitant
Yes, you've read it correctly, there were nine identical letters from the gas and electricity company (Nuon) addressed to the man that used to live were I now live, but who has moved away to an unknown destination...

And now I will have to send those nine letters back to the Nuon. I'll put them in a nice big envelop and will add a nice letter...

[ a nice letter in nine-fold of course... ]

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