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Thursday, April 20, 2006

Candy count

I was eating some candy a couple of days ago. The bag of candy contained white and black colored sweets. I had the feeling that the white candies were forming a majority, but how to check this? Well, very simple: you find out!

I bought a new bag of zwart witjes. Opened it at home and counted the individual sweets.

All the sweets from the bag...

In total there were exactly 150 pieces of candy in the bag. There were 123 white sweets and only 27 black ones.

[ that is approximately a 5:1 ratio... ]

To be more accurate, I really should run this experimenrt a couple of more times, but to be honest, I do not realy like this kind of candy...

[ fortunately there is more candy in this world that can be counted... ]

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