Even a small driblet can create something grand...

Friday, October 05, 2007

New York, New York

Today I started breakfast with tea and donuts. The rest of the day I conducted tests at a large research hospital in Manhattan.

Breakfast NY style: chocolate and Jelly donut...

After all tests were done I walked to the appartement of my friends (Xander en Ingrid), who live very near the test location.

[ I already met Xander by coincidence yesterday... ]

After leaving some Dutch gifts (stroopwafels, pepernoten, Dutch meatball spices and a wandering book) we headed to Time square in a fresh smelling cab. I could look at all the pretty lights down there.

Are these all energy saving bulbs..?

We then had something to eat at the Hard Rock café and finished the day with drinks in 'The view', a spinning restaurant/bar on the 48th floor with a view on New York (even more lights).

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