Even a small driblet can create something grand...

Monday, February 27, 2006

Green power ranger

Just for a second I was completely flabbergasted, but then I realized I had it all wrong. What ran by our office during lunch was not the elusive green power ranger, but a guy in an eighties-style green jogging outfit...

To give you an idea of what I almost saw...

Sunday, February 26, 2006

King fisher

Saturday, after kendo practice in Amsersfoort, I was walking through a very small park...

[ patch of grass, ten trees, some water and a little bridge... ]

And all of a sudden I spotted a little king fisher, sitting on a branch overlooking the water...

We don't see these in Amsterdam...

Friday, February 24, 2006

Packed lunch

Today we received a small package. A brand new mouse.

The piece of clickable electronics was packed in such a handy little box, I had to see if I could re-use it...

Behold: a very save bagel...

Thursday, February 23, 2006

Waving page

I seem to have a very special kind of humor. The other day, a smile was brought to my face when I found a catalogue that had a whole section (page after page) dedicated to various kinds of gloves.

Anyone need some gloves..?

[ well, at least I thought it was very amusing... ]

Wednesday, February 22, 2006


Eventhough I recently complained about recieving too little mail, today I want to blog about recieving too much mail...

When I came home today I found a whole pile of letters: my door mat was completely covered

A lot of mail...

Filled with joy, I checked what the mailman had brought:

  • A letter from the Nuon, addressed to the previous inhabitant
  • A letter from the Nuon, addressed to the previous inhabitant
  • A letter from the Nuon, addressed to the previous inhabitant
  • A letter from my bank, savings overview
  • A letter from the Nuon, addressed to the previous inhabitant
  • A letter from the phone company, a bill
  • A letter from the Nuon, addressed to the previous inhabitant
  • A letter from the Nuon, addressed to the previous inhabitant
  • A letter from the Nuon, addressed to the previous inhabitant
  • A letter from the Nuon, addressed to the previous inhabitant
  • A letter from the Nuon, addressed to the previous inhabitant
Yes, you've read it correctly, there were nine identical letters from the gas and electricity company (Nuon) addressed to the man that used to live were I now live, but who has moved away to an unknown destination...

And now I will have to send those nine letters back to the Nuon. I'll put them in a nice big envelop and will add a nice letter...

[ a nice letter in nine-fold of course... ]

Polaroid images

A small message of the insignificant kind: I've fixed the problem I had with my images in the Firefox browser...

Now no more cut-up polaroids...

[ I had to try a few things, but I finally figured it out... ]

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Reading issues

Hahaha, I have a very strange reading problem: I always read funnier things than what is actually printed...

I spotted an ad on the front page of an old newspaper today. The ad promoted all kinds of cosmetic treatments for one of those hightech beauty farms. The ad itself was pretty boring, but being a fast and sloppy reader, I read something completely different...

Sometimes it's hard to read...

Although I noticed quite quickly that I was mixing up the words from one sentence to the other, my beauty farm was much more interesting:

Superman, are you through using those irritating x-ray vision eyes? No worries, we'll remove them policlinically!

Do you also hate being in a room with very intelligent people? Let us fix your problem in less than 5 minutes!

Have you come to realize that those perfect pearly whites are out-of-fashion? Just stop by for a free dental aging treatment...

Monday, February 20, 2006


Not so long ago, the UCD cookie jar was filled with smarties. Boy, oh boy, those colorful coated chocolates are in very cute, cheerful photogenic little boxes!

Smartie mosaic

[ unfortunately all boxes are empty by the tinme you read this... ]

Sunday, February 19, 2006

Peanuts (2)

I am a real animal friend. Now I have a balcony, I was able to provide my little feathered friends with some nuts. Although I saw that the nuts were being eaten, I never saw a little bird actually do the eating...

[ until today... ]

A small titmouse flew directly to the peanuts and started eating, I flew directly to my camera and took this picture...

Be quick, they fly away really fast...

Saturday, February 18, 2006


I was feeling pretty proud of myself yesterday. I was doing my best trying to find my way to a wedding of two of my friends. I had over-estimated my ability to be able to find my way in unfamiliar surroundings, so I was well on my way at getting there too late...

With less than 10 minutes on the clock, and (even though I had a map) with no idea I was compared to my destination, I put aside my male pride: I asked for directions...

[ twice to be exact... ]

I needed to get to here, somewhere...

After recieving advice twice on how to continue my way, a terrible scenario started to play inside my head over my exact moment of arrival. You know those scenes in a movie in which the priest ask: "If anyone objects to this marriage, speak now or hold forever silent..." At that precise moment the double doors swing open and someone (usually wet to the bone) ruines the whole ceremony by speaking...

Well, I was soaked by the rain, but I was not too late. I even had two whole minutes to spare!

[ all thanks to my way-pointing ladies... ]

Oh, the wedding ceremony was fun and relaxed, and the party afterwards was very good indeed!