Even a small driblet can create something grand...

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Goodbye dinner

Although most people are convinced I will be back to work on the Scopus project, my last day (a couple of weeks ago) was considered good enough an excuse to organize a dinner. And so I was sitting at a dinner table this night with all Amsterdams UCD employees.

Joy was so hospitable to invite us all to a home cooked dinner. After a remarkable start (see last part of this post), a delicious meal was prepared.

[ I still need to be told how much garlic there was in the garlic-orange soup... ]

During the dessert (homemade orange icecream) I was presented with almost 960 minutes of 'Muppets' and 'The Office' DVD's...

And not to forget: my very own Scopus poster!

I would like to thank everyone present for the lovely evening and the gifts. I would like to thank Joy and Clement in particular for their hospitability and the wonderful meal.

As I mentioned above, the evening started of in a very strange manner. The hostess had wounded herself in a spectacular way while preparing the dinner. [Exaggeration mode] With a huge, very sharpe knife she almost succeeded in separating the tip of her left thumb from the rest of her body... [/Exaggeration mode]

Luckily a very professional adminstered piece of band-aid could avert complete disaster.

How are things now Joy..?

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